The artsy lover: Darjeeling

Like an introverted artist whose identity doesn’t go beyond his work, Darjeeling also stunned me with his rugged nativity and rudimentary living conditions.

“I have nothing but my art to showcase. Here.”
he said- pointing to the ‘sunset points’ and momo kiosks, while subtly giving out clues about his well hidden real self; if you have a desire to explore beyond the Maggi thelas and tea plantations on the hills, Darjeeling is the lover most of us have trouble deciphering; mysterious, fundamentally dissonant, and crudely artistic in nature, he is the Gemini of  ‘Top 10 travel destinations in India ‘.


Mostly colored in deep greens, reds and white, if you don’t fall in love with this side of Darjeeling, you haven’t loved him entirely.
Obviously. you have to let go of him because this quirky lover will get bored of you very quickly.

He’s the Clemetine to your eternal sunshine.


The market place


The boy in the red jacket


The idea of Gorkhaland being shit upon


“Ki dekhbo?”


The market place beyond the market place


Indo-Sino bhai bhai

The 3:00 am salon

The illusion of beauty


The 3:00 pm salon


The blue that consumed me and spat me back


“Looking out for the toy train. It passes right past this store! Kills many on its way, too, haha.” 


Tiny and huddled together, looking forward to being sold, just like us humans.  

(Darjeeling unlimited: More photos to be added to another post soon)

Author: Y.S.K.Prerana

Midnight blogger and perpetual ice cream hogger

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